Selina Albert
Humans of Woodlea

Selina Albert

A commitment beyond the uniform. Delving into the world of an SES Volunteer.

Living in Woodlea for almost five years, Selina recently embarked on a new chapter in her life volunteering and working with the State of Emergency Service (SES) in Aintree, describing it as a journey filled with growth, purpose and fulfilment.  From the moment Selina set foot in the dynamic community, she was greeted with warmth that turned strangers into lifelong friends and houses into homes.

In her role at SES, Selina is driven by more than duty; it’s a deeply ingrained passion to extend a hand where it’s most needed.

“You get a little sense of reward at the end of the day, knowing you’ve done something that might have just given someone the chance to save someone else, so it’s kind of nice to know… It made me want to become a volunteer,” said Selina.


In addition to her passion for her role in the SES unit, Selina has also ventured into the realms of fitness and health in the last two years. This newfound passion has not only reshaped her daily regimen, but has unveiled a part of her personality that she was unaware of. Her pursuit of wellness led her to find a local home gym business – Fit Body Babes – nestled in the heart of Woodlea.

“She just does it out of her garage. It’s a woman’s only gym, so I get so much support from the girls. Even a few weeks ago, all the girls came dressed in orange at the gym for ‘Wear Orange Wednesday’, an annual day held during volunteer week which recognises and thanks the efforts of volunteers within the SES community,” said Selina.

Selina started running at the beginning of the year, and it quickly developed into more than just a physical activity. It became a source of comfort for her mentally and a demonstration of her tenacity.

Even with her fractured ankle at the time, she was full of energy from all the lush green spaces and meandering paths that Woodlea had to offer. Rather than weakening her determination, these obstacles have strengthened it and toughened her priceless lessons about perseverance, patience and pursuing her dedication as a volunteer in SES.

Though Selina goes through every challenge and triumph, she is proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with her fellow volunteers, each united by a common goal: to serve and protect.

“The most rewarding was when we did the ANZAC Day service at Woodlea. That was pretty memorable and pretty special to do it in uniform as a team. It was our very first appearance in Woodlea as an SES group. I think that’s something that I’ll remember forever,” Selina said.

If you ask Selina what it takes to work at SES, she will say it isn’t merely a commitment, it’s a declaration of your dedication to safeguarding and enhancing the lives around you.

“You should find the organisation with their values that align with your own personal values, because that’s where your strengths will be relied on.”

Are you interested in volunteering at the VICSES Aintree SES Unithub? Visit to enquire now. 

The VICSES Aintree SES Unit is funded in part primarily by the generous donations from the Woodlea community and surrounding areas. Anyone wishing to donate to the unit can do so via