Congratulations to our 2021-22 Finalists!

Congratulations to our 2021-22 Finalists!

In no particular order, we would like to congratulate the below top 20 finalists who are in the running to win the first prize of $10,000!


  1. Christopher Gibson
  2. Lynne Ahmu
  3. Courtney Williams
  4. Justin Caruana
  5. Hazel Faye Tabianan
  6. Christine Arnell
  7. Carmen May
  8. Kylie Mallia
  9. Chris Montgomery
  10. Anthony Caruana
  11. Jessica Mamo
  12. Exzur Peralta
  13. Thomas Nikolov
  14. Corey Moore
  15. Jaclyn Cremona
  16. Jesse Coe
  17. Jeremy Psaila
  18. Krishna Janga
  19. Joseph Naim
  20. Erika Tan


Thank you to everyone that entered in our first ever year of the Front Gardening Competition! We hope you learnt a lot & have been able to enjoy your outdoor spaces as much as we have loved seeing them improve & grow!


PLEASE NOTE: Once our judges have selected the top 4 finalists next week, we will notify all registrants of how to redeem your prize! Stay tuned…

We would like to capture all of your hard effort by photographing a select few homes. Please email Claire Mouser if you do not want your front facade photographed in the coming weeks, [email protected]