Now SellingWoodlea offers a choice of new living options, from spacious lots to brand new move-in-ready townhouses.
How It WorksWe’re here to support you throughout the complete process, from initial sale through to design, build and handover.
ExploreEverything at Woodlea supports future living, from the diversity of the homes and the use of the landscape to the spirit of the neighbourhoods.
About Whether you’re renting or own your own home, involved in a local community group or work in the local area, we want to hear from you! Led by Woodlea’s dedicated Community Development Manager, our aim is to work with residents as well as groups within the community and listen to their needs and wants, to further shape our community for years to come. Join the discussion on our Facebook group
Voice for Residents This initiative is committed to continuously engaging with our residents, both virtually and in person, to better inform key opportunities and areas to focus on for the development. As we discover opportunities for growth, our working group will share your insights and provide advice with Woodlea to shape future plans & considerations.
Providing Advice Community Conversations will provide advice to Woodlea from its residents, about key focus areas in: Sustainability & green open space Education Amenity & facilities Connectivity & transport Community