Our Front Garden Competition is back!

Our Front Garden Competition is back!

We’re calling all renters and owners to get involved in our annual front garden competition.


The competition again seeks to encourage pride in our beautiful streets, while challenging you to grow your biggest investment – your home.

Your chance to win

Be awarded with monthly neighbourhood food trucks, and workshops along the way – all you have to do is participate, have fun and maintain your beautiful front garden to be in the running to win $10,000 (plus more!)

We’ve also teamed up with Eat Grow Garden to produce some simple tips and tricks to boost your gardening skills. These will be released via email, so make sure you keep an eye out!

2021 winners!

We’d like to again congratulate last year’s winners, Carmen and Tony who worked extremely hard on their garden and were rewarded with first prize.


“It was amazing, we opened our front door and there were balloons and a massive cheque right there! We were immediately jumping up and down, absolutely over the moon,” Carmen said of the moment they found out they had won.

Registrations open now open and winners will be announced in March 2023. It’s time to get creative and become the master of your garden. Don’t forget to have fun along the way! To register, please click HERE.